Monday, December 15, 2008

I Want a Corporate Sponsor for Christmas….

The popular Christmas song, I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas, continues to captivate many of us; we either love or hate the song. As I think about this song, I think about other Christmas songs and a few of my favorite things.

One of my favorite things is corporate sponsors. Corporate sponsors are the cornerstone of support for non-profits in their community by making an investment in their community. When they align with a non-profit, the corporate sponsor gains recognition as a community-oriented business and marketing opportunities through the non-profit. The corporate sponsor can help to build the non-profits brand while benefiting their corporate identity in the community through positive visibility.

What does it take to be a corporate sponsor? Desire to be part of something bigger than the everyday business conducted and motivation to help others. Just ask Talk, a branding and communications agency in Wilmington, N.C., about their endeavor Project Pet Project ( and you’ll find a mutually beneficial relationship between Talk and Carolina Canines for Service. Motivated by her love of animals, Debbie Elliott, Talk President's Project Pet Project helps pets that are helping people (pictured is Debbie Elliott and Camden, Carolina Canines for Therapy team).

Corporate sponsors come in many forms and an affordable sponsorship is within reach from support for the care of a service dog in training through a monthly contribution, sponsorship of team training for a person receiving their service dog, or sponsoring a service dog through completion of training. Help us continue to help others by standing out in our community as a Corporate Sponsor. For more information contact Carolina Canines at 910-362-8181 or -Pat Nowak, Executive Assistant

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