Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Things have been barkin' at Carolina Canines.  We have recently added a new staff member, Jenny Edwards.  She stepped into our first Director of Member Relations position.  Jenny is quickly settling in and planning some great things for Carolina Canines.  In July she looks to launch the "Power of the Paw", a introduction to Carolina Canines' programs and services.  These will be offered in Wilmington on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month with limited seating at each session; reservations will be needed as these will fill up fast.  "Power of the Paw" will be coming to Charleston too; dates to be determined.

We had a visit from Lydia and Audrey who together with their mom and a friend delivered a wealth of supplies for Carolina Canines Service dogs-in-training. The two sisters collected the items during a recent birthday party in lieu of gifts. Items include kongs, dog treats, leashes, stainless steel bowls, toys, a generous gift card to a pet store, (yes!) the always appreciated "poop bags," and much more! A big "WOOF!" thank you to the Jennifer, Lydia, Audrey, and all their friends and family who contributed to the donations!

Titus modeling the Harry Barker Dog Bathrode

And, Harry Barker Inc. invited Titus to their warehouse to receive supplies for the service dogs in training in the Carolina Canines for Veterans program.  We are not sure who had more fun the staff of Harry Barker or Carolina Canines.  Of course Titus was his usual attention hound soaking up all the love. 

Don't forget, Friday night home games at the Charleston RiverDogs to see Titus the bat dog.  And on July 31st come out for the Bark for Your Brews, a craft beer festival at The Joe to benefit Carolina Canines for Veterans.