Monday, March 22, 2010

Walk for Thse Who Can't - Team Questions

With the Walk for Those Who Can't just a few days away, there are a number of questions coming in from teams. Here are the most frequenly asked and how Carolina Canines is handling this:

  • Some people have accidentally clicked on the "support this team" instead of "join this team" and did not get the chance to get a T-shirt. Is there a way that they can change it to join the team and get the shirt? If you give us the names ( of the people that “supported the team” rather than “Joined the Team, we can handle that on our end. However, these folks need to sign the release which that can do using the attached form and make sure these are bought to the office on Wednesday, 3/24 at 7 pm or turned in at the Walk.
  • People have registered under Join this team and the amount I've raised is not showing. How do I know how much I've raised? Online registrations are tallied separate from donations in Carolina Canines will be totaling online registrations + donations + offline donations and registrations for a Team Total. The same goes for an individual.
  • When can a Team Captain pick up the T-shirts for my team? Team t-shirts and goody bags can be picked up at the Walk on Saturday , March 27, 2010 beginning at 9 am. There will be a Team Registration table at Huge MacRae Park, Shelter 6 for all pre-registered teams.

Team Captains can bring their Teams registrations to our office (1200 N. 23rd St., Ste 101, Wilmington, NC) until 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 if the Team wants to be included in the Top Fundraising Team and be eligible to receive special recognition the day of the Walk.

Individuals are encouraged to bring their registrations to our office the same day to be included in the Top Individual Fundraiser an be eligible to receive special recognition the day of the Walk.

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