Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Volunteerism, the Heart of A Non-Profit

This month has been a busy one for volunteer awareness. Many of the large local businesses graciously opened their doors and welcomed local non-profits in to showcase the work they do in the community and talk with their employees about volunteer opportunities. In the past few weeks Carolina Canines visited with Corning employees and enjoyed time at the PPD Charity Day; a job well done by the employees who coordinated these events.

This past weekend, Star News hosted the Conscience Fair, thanks to Si Cantwell and all his work organizing and recruiting non-profits. The Conscience Fair was well represented by many worthy groups offering volunteer opportunities. And, while I would love to say everyone wanted to be part of Carolina Canines, people are diverse and have many interests. If a person could not find a volunteer opportunity to be involved in, they were not really looking.

On February 18, 2010, Carolina Canines will be one of about 20 non-profits at the Have A Heart event hosted by the Wilmington Young Professionals. This is an opportunity to showcase our non-profit and build capacity of our volunteers with young professionals in our community.

If you are a volunteer still looking for an opportunity in our community, Carolina Canines has opportunities for you. But, first, let me tell, we do not have a kennel at our facility. All of our servic dogs in training are in foster homes where they need to be to learn to live with a family. To learn about our volunteer opportunities, please our website at http://www.carolinacanines.org/.

We are always in need of foster families to raise and train a service dog in Wilmington, NC or Myrtle Beach, SC, Carolina Canines for Therapy teams, fundraising /event volunteers and committee / board members.

There are many resource online to help find a volunteer opportunity. Here are just a few:

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