Thursday, April 30, 2009

What do paws and jam have in common?

The 8th annual Paw Jam, Saturday, May 2, 2009 from 11 AM - 5 PM at Battleship Park brought to you by Pets Are Worth Saving (Paws) of NC. Admission is $5.00 at the gate and proceeds support multiple rescue organizations in our community.

The mission of Paws of NC is to facilitate opportunities to raise funding and awareness for no-kill, non-profit animal rescue organizations in Southeastern North Carolina through the education and empowerment of the public.

If you are looking for a pet friendly event to attend, come listen to live music, enjoy festival food at the food court and beer garden, stroll through and purchase the wares of local arts, and pets vendor and enjoy pet related activities. Please, pets must be leashed.

Carolina Canines for Service is one of the 10 benefiting organizations. Come on out and say hello to our crew, met service dogs in training and therapy teams, renew old friendships and add to your Carolina Canines tee-shirt collection with our 2009 tee-shirt.

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