Monday, March 30, 2009

Thank you for a Great Event!

Thank you to our event sponsors, donors, in-kind donors, volunteers, teams and individual walkers for a great 3rd annual Walk for Those Who Can't. Over 360 walkers and 250 dogs came out for a beautiful day that started cloudy, but ended as a sunny morning. Dogs of all sizes from a Yorkshire Terrier to Great Danes walked the John Nesbitt Loop at Wrigtsville Beach, North Carolina in support of the programs of Carolina Canines for Service. Master of Cermony, Jon Evans of WECT provided highlights of Carolina Canines and inspired the teams and walkers in their quest to finish the walk.

The Top Fundraising Team was the Association of Nursing Students with Team Captain Kacie Nifong raising $1,285.

Runner-up Fundraising Team was Harrells Academy Key Club raising just over $800.

The Top Individual Fundraiser for the second year in a row was Nina Newell and Jaxson raising $1,275. Nina topped her fundraising events of last year by nearly $400 and she and her finance, Greg, have registered Carolina Canines as their charity of choice for donations for their upcoming wedding in September 2009.

The Runner-up Individual Fundraiser was Stacey Sears and her service dog in training Luke. Stacey raised $535 to support the programs of Carolina Canines.

Photographs from the event will be available on the Walk website soon.

To learn more about Carolina Canines, our programs and how you can help visit

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