Puppies/dogs entering training with Carolina Canines for Service, Inc. are placed in volunteer foster homes to begin socialization and basic training. Foster puppy parents are individuals or families who volunteer to raise a service dog puppy in their home up to 24 months.
It is acceptable for a foster family to have children and/or other family pets as long as the service dog puppy is the youngest dog in the household. Socialization and tolerance of children and other animals (dogs, cats, birds, etc.) is an important aspect of a service dog puppy’s training. If you are interested in becoming a foster puppy parent and live in the vicinity of Wilmington, NC or Myrtle Beach, SC.
Foster puppy parents must commit to the following:
*Provide indoor shelter, food, water, grooming, care and humane treatment to meet the basic needs of the puppy
*Attend training classes and socialization outing with the puppy as scheduled and following CCFS training guidelines and protocol
*Promote the mission of CCFS by providing community education regarding disability awareness and service dog information as the opportunities arise when out in public with their service dog puppy
*Financial responsibility for any and all food, supplies and veterinary care the puppy requires while in their care
Understand that the puppy belongs to CCFS and the requirement to relinquish the puppy and any equipment/supplies belonging to the program immediately upon notice.
Foster puppy parents are provided a training manual explicitly outlining the program’s training protocol and standards of care for CCFS puppies. CCFS trainers provide group and individual training sessions at weekly classes and are available to offer advice and guidance 24 hours a day.
Giving up a puppy after it has been a part of a foster family for 24 months is not easy - but it can be done. Foster families have the opportunity to meet individuals who have service dogs and learn what a difference a service dog makes in their lives. A loving, committed foster family is the key to a puppy’s success in becoming a life-long partner and helpmate for a person with a disability who might otherwise never experience the level of mobility and independence a service dog offers.
Carolina Canines for Service, Inc. accepts applications for Foster families on an on-going basis with the desire to have a number of approved foster homes ready and waiting for a puppy. In the past the program has had to turn down the offer of many quality puppies and dogs due to having no foster home readily available.
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