Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year, Fresh Start, New Goals

The new year is always a time to look back at what was accomplished and look forward with anticipation of what will be. In the background all of the end of year work is happening, pulling last years’ financial records preparing for an audit, cleaning files, setting the event schedule and grant submission plan, preparing annual donor letters and creating new donor acknowledgement letters.  All this while the mission continues and goals are set.

The new year started off with team training for a retired United States Marine as he received his service dog.  
Long awaited because there were several challenges that had to be overcome to get to this day including the weather.  But mother-nature was gracious and only caused an hour delay in one flight on route to one of the biggest changes of Chris’s life.  Cpl Owens (retired) met service dog Samaria and it was difficult to tell which one had the bigger smile.    We know the miracle of this gift but the package is just beginning to be unwrapped by Chris as he learns to work with his new partner.

Stepping into a new year is also a time to set goals and one of those goals is to grow.  It just has to happen; we are determined.  The plan is set and now we need the financial support to make it happen.  Larger space will allow Canines for Service to offer vocational training in our community with a proven, comprehension service dog training curriculum.  More service dogs in training means more clients waiting can be served and more shelter dogs can be rescued.   We also need foster families; people willing to commit their hearts and their time to serving others by raising a puppy to be a service dog.  We can’t serve the people on our wait list unless new dogs are being added for training.

What are you doing in 2014?  Join our family of donors and volunteers to change a life of someone with a disability with the gift of a service dog. You never know, you might just change your own life too.