Friday, January 6, 2012

Looking Ahead

Happy New Year! 
Now that all the excitement is over and the holiday break has been had, we are back to business we are looking forward to a promising 2012.

Canines for Service – continues to be based from the Wilmington corporate office.  Demands for services continue and we need foster families (individual, couple, traditional or non-traditional) to step-up to the cause.  We cannot serve people in need unless we have puppies in training coming up the ranks to fill those needs in 2-4 years.   The commitment is great, but the reward is even bigger.  Our goal for 2012 is to bring the foster program to Charleston, SC.    Our second goal for this program is to obtain our U.S. Department of Labor approval for service dog technician training program.  Canines for Service continues on the forefront of service dog training standards and the U.S. Department of Labor approval confirms a level of standards for the trainer.  This apprenticeship program approval will make it possible to offer a vocational curriculum in service dog training. 

Canines for Veterans – continues to serve our wounded and injured service members from 1991 – current.  We know the demands are high and Canines for Veterans is on track to meet the needs with 10 to 15 service dog partnering planned for this year.    Working with the brig to increase the number of prison handlers and then increase the number of dogs in training is a goal for this program.

Canines for Therapy – continues in Wilmington and in Raleigh taught by Teamworks Dog Training.  To meet the continued needs in Wilmington, two staff members are in the process of becoming AKC Canine Good Citizen evaluators so our enrollees will be able to complete this evaluation before enrolling in the therapy class.  Our goal is to bring this program into Charleston within the first quarter of 2012.

Canines for Literacy – continues in the greater Wilmington area in 5 elementary schools.  Request for the program have never been higher, but we need certified Canines for Therapy teams so we can increase the number of children served.

Events already on the calendar:
Canines for Therapy Class (Wilmington), January 17th
Conscience Fair (Wilmington) on Feb 4th
Run for the Roses (Raleigh) on Feb 12th
Southeastern Wildlife Exp (Charleston) on Feb 17th- 19th
Coastal Living Show (Wilmington) on March 17th – 18th
Walk for Those Who Can’t (Wilmington) on March 24th
Azalea Festival Parade (Wilmington) on April 14th

Canines for Service is seeking facility space in Charleston/North Charleston, preferably donated or very low cost, to offer the Canines for Therapy program and begin the service dog training curriculum.  A minimum of 2,000 to 5,000 sq feet of space is needed.  If you know of space or have space you would like to talk with us about, please call, 866-910-3647.

Don’t be shy, we need you!  In Wilmington area, Canines for Therapy teams are needed and Canines for Literacy teams.  Foster families to raise a service dog for someone in need and event volunteers are always needed.  With our 6th annual Walk for Those Who Can’t on March 24th we need a team of folks to help gain sponsors and tabletop exhibitors or volunteer for hospitality or event day activities.  And, opportunities are available for Board Members.  
Can’t volunteer?  How about holding a fundraiser?  Check our information on being CFS Supporter.

We've got a lot going, but we need your continued support; financially, and as  corporate sponsors or volunteers. Help us make 2012 a great year.  We can’t do it without you!