Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stella, Already a Star

Just a little over 3 weeks ago, Stella entered the Carolina Canines for Veterans program. Stella, her name meaning Star in Latin, is a 13 week old Anatolian Shepherd donated by Full Circle Farm, Ken and Nancy Wargas, Rowlands, NC.

Ken and Nancy have been long time supporters of Carolina Canines when Ken and their Anatolian Shepherd Marky became a Carolina Canines for Therapy team in May of 2005. Marky served his community well with many visits to local children and adults, but retired a little over a year ago. Ken’s work as a volunteer did not stop there and in 2009, he and Sasquatch, Marky’s son, became a Carolina Canines for Therapy team to continue their mission to serve others.

A long time desire of the Wargas’s was to see one of the dogs from their breeding line become a service dog with Carolina Canines. There were a few attempts, but Carolina Canines always needs a foster home ready, willing and able to raise and train one of the dogs. But, this past November, when Nancy and Ken offered a puppy, with or without a foster family, we knew we could place the dog in the Carolina Canines for Veterans program for training.

Stella is already living up to the meaning of her name. At 12 weeks of age, she already knows 8 commands and has great focus on her handler. To see just what the handler and Stella have accomplished already, click below to view the video.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Seems all quiet, but it’s not

So, the end of the year has come and gone and it seems like all is quite. What is your local non-profit doing?

If they are like us at Carolina Canines, we are feverishly working on our end of year/beginning of year tasks. What does that mean? We are preparing our files for the 2010 calendar year, scheduling upcoming events, copying our financial records and preparing those for the auditor, closing the 2009 accounts, getting reading to have the taxes prepared and preparing our donor letters in compliance with IRS guidelines. All that boring stuff is happening in the background as we continue our mission to service people with diabilities.

As the New Year turned, we found ourselves responding to hundreds of emails from people interested in volunteering as part of the Disney Give A Day, Get A Day. While the response has already been tremendous, we hope to excite those responding to become part of our long term part volunteer base supporting our programs in the community and helping other by training a service dog, becoming a Carolina Canines for Therapy team and visiting in the community, assisting with events or fundraising activities like the 4th Annual Walk for Those Who Can’t.

Carolina Canines has already committed to participate in several upcoming event s in our community in February including the Star-News Conscience Fair on February 6, 2010 at the CFCC North Campus from 10 am - 3 pm, we are the benefitting organization for the Run for the Roses on February 7, 2010 in Raleigh, NC and will be at an event sponsored by the Have A Heart: What Are You Doing For the Greater Good? on February 18 from 5:30 - 8 pm to inspire our community young professionals to get involved in their community.

We recently meet with folks at Liberty Commons with several of the Carolina Canines for Therapy teams to share how the licensed therapy teams can help to improve the lives of the residents at their facility and look forward to an upcoming article featuring our teams in DogLiving Magazine.

Our Annual Walk for Those Who Can’t event Co-Chairs and Committee Chairs are busy working with their teams on sponsor recruitment, team development, media and marketing. Team and individual registration is open online now at FirstGiving, we are preparing the advertisement for the February 2010 PawPrints Magazine and will be ordering the posters and brochures in the next few weeks.

Now, this is just the second full week of January. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings!